Adventure Time Puzzle Quest is a version of the classic Puzzle Quest, starring the main characters of the also famous animated series Adventure Time: Finn, Jake, Marceline, Ice King, and everyone else.
The gameplay in Adventure Time Puzzle Quest is almost identical to that in the original Puzzle Quest. This means that you have to match three or more pieces of the same color as you inflict damage to your enemies. Each time you break pieces of a certain color, you get mana points, which you can use to perform special techniques that correspond to that same color. Depending on which characters you have on your team you can perform one set of techniques or the other.
As you advance in the storyline, you have to travel through different places that every fan of the animated series would recognize. You can also meet the usual enemies of Finn and Jake. As you win combats, you can add new characters to your team of heroes, and improve the skills of the ones you already unlocked.
Adventure Time Puzzle Quest is a perfect combination between a puzzle game, an RPG, and the charm of Adventure Time. The graphics in the game are really beautiful, and will make fans love it instantly.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 or higher required
do you know why I give you one star? it's because this game is not compatible for me